로그인 회원가입 모바일


[MAKRI] 10 Years, The Time of Promise

작성자: 청년시대, 날짜 : hit : 1146, scrab : 0 , recommended : 0



MAKRI was established in January 2007 with historical missions to recover and identify the Korean war missing servicemen.


MAKRI has recovered around 9,800 remains of ROK soldiers including UN forces and collected around 40,000 DNA samples from the bereaved family members.  This has led to a successful identification of 128 ROK soldiers and 8 US soldiers and they were returned to their families.


KIA recovery project has contributed in enhancing international ties. Repatriating remains of the UN participant countries has promoted solid trust *ween ROK and its allies.

Repatriation of Chinese forces remains takes place every year as a humanitarian effort.

With its internationally recognized expertise,

MAKRI worked with Libyan authority to recover and identify Libyan missing personnel from the civil war and shared its expertise and experiences with Australia and Vietnam, thereby fostering national stature in the world. 


The new era of peace and reconciliation is just around the corner.

Still, countless number of our fallen heroes are still left behind in unknown battlefields.
MAKRI hopes that one day, recovery work in DMZ and North Korea becomes possible thereby overcoming the pain of war.


MAKRI will continue to spare no effort in bringing our last hero home.


Monetary Reward will be offered for witnesses who provide information about the possible location of Korean War KIA remains.

It is simple and easy to participate in DNA collection
Relatives up to third cousins who wish to find KIA remains may participate in DNA Collection

For more information: 1577-5625


댓글 2 | 엮인글 0  

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