로그인 회원가입 모바일


태국 공중보건국 코르나 바이러스 정보입니다.

작성자: witaya, 날짜 : , 업데이트 : hit : 942, scrab : 0 , recommended : 1

하단에 근거자료 링크해 놓았습니다. 27일 현재 한국은 수준 3으로 불필요한 여행을 하지 말라는 나라로 지정되어있습니다. 저도 오늘 4월 비행기 표를 손해를 보고 취소를 했습니다. 
링크가 버퍼링이 있고 느리지만, 최소한 태국정부에서 공식적으로 발표하는 자료이기 때문에 사업하시는 분들은 참고해도 될 것 같다는 판단입니다.

링크가 에러나면, 카피하시어 새창에서 붙여 넣기 하면 됩니다. 

Travel Advisory for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Level 3: Avoid Unnecessary Travel to Areas with Ongoing Local Transmission
The National Communicable Diseases Committee announced COVID-19 to be the 14th dangerous disease and it will be shown in the Royal Thai Government Gazette.

• The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak which was first reported in Wuhan, China spread across the regions of China. There have been confirmed cases in many countries outside of mainland China.

• Currently, people are recommended to avoid visiting mainland China in accordance with China’s announcement on 24 January 2020 halting all departing flights from Wuhan. The effective date of the announcement was extended to 31 March 2020.

• The Ministry of Public Health, Thailand recommended Thai people who arrive from affected areas and develop symptoms including coughing, sneezing, panting or runny nose within 14 days of return to seek medical care at the hospital immediately and inform the health care provider regarding the history of recent travel to China.


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